Friday, September 5, 2008


Hahhahah..Hello all, sorry its been over a month, alot has either been happening or not, depending on how you look at it. I finished Stranded, in which I recieved an honorable award for my performance with that show, and am currently looking for some other projects. My mother came in town and we spent some time together and had a blast, went to the Hamptons, really enjoyed ourselves. Also I just got back from LAS VEGAS!!! :) It was really really nice, the heat was great, the sun, and lack of rain. A total great place. I also saw Cher perform while I was there, OMG!! what a legand! :)But now that I had my month of relaxation, and time to myself, its back to the grindstone. I also am now a member of the NYC Gay Men's Chorus, and am extremely proud to be apart of such a wonderful group of performers and men. ( )
I will keep you posted about exciting events from that group, I know of one, at Carnegie Hall!!! (AHHHHHHH!) Tuesday, December 9,2008 1pm-Holiday Concert. (tooo cool!) Nothing much else new, but hope all is well, and I will postings some clips from some film work I have done. Also I know that the last Tuesday evening of September, (I believe) Fringe, (the episode I filmed) will be airing...


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