Tuesday, January 6, 2009


The Big GAY Sing!Are you gay? If not, is your taste in music gay? What is the song that for you best sums up the spirit of 'gay,' past, present or future?
On March 27th, we will be presenting an exciting project called 'The Big Gay Sing: A Sing-along Extravaganza.'
This glittering chorus show will be at the NYU Skirball Center with all 200 of our members and a professional band. We'll be singing the favorite songs of the gay communities of New York City - and the entire audience will be singing along! From show tunes to pop music, opera to political anthems, there are so many songs that say who we are, and we need your help to narrow the list!
Click here to suggest a song for the NYCGMC's first Big GAY Sing!

1 comment:

Matthew Burton said...

go to www.nycgmc.com to purchase tickets...